스마트폰의 효율적인 분해를 위한 설계 가이드라인 및 분해 용이도 평가 체크리스트 개발

While the volume of smartphone production has kept increasing due to increase in the number of smartphone users and shortening in cycle times of new model release and replacement, the volume of discarded smartphone has dramatically increased due to low rates of recycle and reuse. The present study developed design guidelines for ease of smartphone disassembly and a checklist for assessment of ease of smartphone disassembly. A set of 24 design guidelines of smartphone disassembly for material, fastener & connection, and structure was established based on literature review of disassembly guidelines of home appliances and cellular phones and were applied to 11 smartphone parts, resulting in 155 check items for assessment of ease of smartphone disassembly. An assessment of 15 smartphone models using the disassembly checklist in the study found Dell Streak mini 5 most preferred and HTC One least preferred. The design guidelines and a checklist for ease of disassembly developed in the study are expected to apply to improve the design of smartphones for efficient and safe disassembly for reuse of parts with high values.