Counter-Strategy to Emergencies in the Coal Mining Industry Based on the Use of Multi-Agent Systems and Fuzzy Logic

Research carried out at the expense of the grant RFBR No 17-02-00416-OGN is devoted to the consideration of problems of formation of a qualitatively new model of monitoring, identification and forecasting of any forms of threats and risks in the field of security of coal mining facilities. Research take into account their new aspects (cross-border network structures, lack of a single control center, presence of a large number of quasi-autonomous organizational and technical elements with their own management trajectories and localized interests etc.). Monitoring and modelling these processes is the basis of the systemic strategies of prevention of emergencies. Developing specific measures for information assurance organizational process in implementation of management action is based on the convergence of information, telecommunication and computing services to government agencies as a control object with a significant number of deviant implemented operational variables with the absence or delay of information signals about their dynamics and ensuring interdepartmental cooperation.