Animal–Vehicle Collision Data Collection

This synthesis will be of interest to state departments of transportation (DOTs) and departments of natural resources (DNRs), as well as to others who work with them in the area of animal–vehicle collision (AVC) data collection. It examines the extent to which data from AVC accident reports and animal carcass (AC) counts are collected, analyzed, and used throughout the United States and Canada. Most survey respondents reported collecting AVC data; fewer reported collecting AC data. The primary obstacles to improving AVC and AC data collection and analysis were determined to be a lack of a demonstrated need, underreporting, poor data quality, and delays in data entry. The use of more rigid and standardized procedures were specifically mentioned to address problems and improve procedures, as well as to improve the coordination between DOTs and DNRs that share a vested interest in the data. Surveys were distributed to DOTs and DNRs in the United States and Canada. In addition, a literature review of AVC data collection was undertaken.