LHC Heavy-Ion Collimation Quench Test at 6.37Z TeV

This note summarizes the collimation quench test MD with 208Pb82+ beams at 6.37Z TeV in which a quench of a dipole magnet in the dispersion suppressor (DS) downstream of the betatron collimation region (IR7) was achieved. The aim of the test was to experimentally validate the quench limit at 6.37Z TeV in this region by inducing high losses at the LHC collimation system and quench the magnet with the collimation debris mainly lost at the IR7 DS. This was also the first test with heavy-ions in which the transverse damper (ADT) could be used to induce these losses over extended periods of time (approximately 10-15s) while previous tests used tune resonance crossing methods in which the beam loss is less controllable and faster. The quench was achieved at a beam loss rate of 15 kW. The note summarizes the measurement strategy, technical realization, the test results and implications for future heavy-ion operation.