Decentralized energy market-based structural control

Control systems are used to limit structural lateral deflections during large external loads such as winds and earthquakes. Most recently, the semi-active control approach has grown in popularity due to inexpensive control devices that consume little power. As a result, recently designed control systems have employed many semi-active control devices for the control of a structure. In the future, it is envisioned that structural control systems will be large-scale systems defined by high actuation and sensor densities. Decentralized control approaches have been used to control large-scale systems that are too complex for a traditional centralized approach, such as linear quadratic regulation (LQR). This paper describes the derivation of energy market-based control (EMBC), a decentralized approach that models the structural control system as a competitive marketplace. The interaction of free-market buyers and sellers result in an optimal allocation of limited control system resources such as control energy. The Kajima- Shizuoka Building and a 20-story benchmark structure are selected as illustrative examples to be used for comparison of the EMBC and centralized LQR approaches.