Methodological StudyandApplication onTechnology Policies of PCsRecycling inChina

coneglass, panelglassrecycling aspanelglassraw China faces great challenge one-waste problems. Lackingmaterial, coneglass recycling asconeglass raw material". of controllable collection systemand compatible Results alsoshowed that for wasteprinted circuit boards, management measures, advanced recycling technologies contentofnoble metals isthekey factor for selection of and effective technology policies has resulted in mechanical treatment technology. WhenAu contentis out-of-order flowofe-waste andserious environmental below 1glt, "wetshredding +watertable separation" isan pollution during disassembly andrecycling. How to optimal flowsheet; whenAucontent isabove1glt, "dry ... . ~~~~~~~shedding +electrostatic separation +centrifuga constitute scientifically decision-making technical policies fuga ofe-waste treatment anddisposal becomes asignificant separation" isthebest choice. topic intermsofconstructing a resource saving and Keywords environmentally sound society inChina.