Characteristics of shortwave and longwave irradiances under a Douglas-fir forest stand

Measurements of the spatial mean values of global irradiance, photosynthetic photon flux density, and the downward longwave irradiance under a 26-year-old, second-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco) forest canopy on a 26° south-facing slope were made with a tramway system, which scanned a 20-m transect in 12 min. The diffuse solar irradiance under the canopy was measured with a stationary pyranometer equipped with a shadow band. The extinction coefficients for the direct, global, and photon components were derived as functions of the solar incident angle over the range of 15° to 85°. The extinction coefficient for the diffuse radiation was found to correlate well with the ratio of the direct to diffuse irradiance above the canopy. Complete diurnal cycles of the downward longwave irradiance were simulated with a simple model based on the air temperature inside the stand. Analyses of the measurements of all the shortwave and longwave components were made using an effective leaf area ind...