From cDNA microarrays to high-throughput proteomics. Implications in the search for preventive initiatives to slow the clinical progression of Alzheimer's disease dementia.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, affecting as many as four million elderly people. lt results from abnormal changes in the brain that most likely begin long before cognitive impairment and other clinical symptoms become apparent. Little is known about the changes preceding or accompanying initiation of the disease. Using cDNA microarray, we previously reported candidate gene products whose expression is altered in the cerebral cortex of cases at risk for AD dementia. However, it is possible that the cDNA microarray evidence might have underestimated post-transcriptional modifications, and as a result, provided only a partial view of the biological problem of interest. Based on this hypothesis, we initiated a series of parallel high-throughput proteomic studies. We found that, consistent with the cDNA microarray evidence, the expression of proteins involved in synaptic activities was also altered in the brains of early AD cases. These studies support the feasibility and usefulness of high-throughput cDNA and protein microarray techniques to examine the sequential changes of distinctive gene expression patterns in the brain as a function of the progression of AD dementia. Our preliminary results also support the utility of high-throughput proteomic methodologies as a means to identify novel AD biomarkers from cerebral spinal fluid and/or from serum.