How the QS Can Create Values in the Procurement of Construction Works

SUMMARY The role of the Quantity Surveyor (QS) in a typical construction project is very passive in Hong Kong. His value in the project team seems to be merely taking up the role of an estimator, measurer, document compiler and contract administrator. The QS must, first of all, improve his basic services due to common complaints about his basic role. He needs to transform his estimating role from a compiler of past cost data to an analyst and a forecaster in the construction market. He needs to rely more on the market knowledge and supply chain and be more innovative to re-assert his value in his estimating and accounting roles. To create extra values, it is not sufficient that the QS expands the range of services, but he needs to be able to drive and influence the team at a more strategic level to achieve better results, by commercial and other skills and approaches, particularly early involvement in the upstream activities and design matters. He needs to re-package and market his services, which must cater to the market needs, and relate them to the benefits for the client. The evolution of the QS profession in UK in recent years show that the QS there has attained the role of a lead consultant and key adviser at strategic levels of organizations and still has to keep re-inventing to maintain his position. There are major challenges ahead for the QS to create values in Hong Kong. He should build on his counterparts’ experience in UK to become similarly the lead consultant and key adviser for projects in the construction and other industries in Hong Kong and Mainland China.