Salt and pepper noise removal in video using adaptive decision based median filter

This paper proposes a new algorithm to remove salt and pepper noise in video. The adaptive decision algorithm first checks whether the selected pixel in the video sequence is noisy or noise free. Initially the window size is selected as 3 × 3. If the selected pixel within the window is 0's or 255's, and some of other pixels within the window are noise free, then the selected pixel value is replaced by trimmed median value. If the selected pixel is 0 or 255 and other pixel values in a selected window (3 × 3) all are 0's and 255's, then change the selected window size as 5 × 5, then the selected pixel value is replaced by trimmed median value. In the selected new window (5 × 5), all the elements are 0's or 255's then the processing pixel is replaced by the previous resultant pixel. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the existing algorithms like Median Filter; Decision Based Filter and Progressive Switched Median Filter. The proposed algorithm gives better PSNR and IEF results than the existing algorithms.