Performance of “Low-Cost” GPS Receivers for Yield Mapping
For the study, two “low-cost” handheld GPS receivers were compared to a DGPS receiver.
A combine equipped with a yield monitoring system was configured so that yield data could be
collected simultaneously using a “low-cost” handheld GPS receiver and a DGPS receiver. Results in
2000 showed average relative positioning differences of 1.78 meters and that similar yield maps
could be created. Due to the limited hectares harvested in 2000 further analysis was desired.
During the 2001 fall harvest, 212.2 hectares of corn and 283.7 hectares of soybeans were harvested
using the above mentioned yield monitor configuration. In 2001, average relative positioning
differences of 2.97 meters was obtained between GPS receivers. Yield maps were produced from
the same field using standard yield mapping techniques. Comparisons were made between the
maps of how similar they were at showing variability and yield in Mg/ha. Visually one could
distinguish yield data collected between the two “low-cost” GPS receivers. Using regression analysis
for map comparison, R-squared values ranged from 0.3 to 0.9 with a mean of 0.73.