The Secondary School Principalship and the Challenge of Change.
ED 030 185 B.y-Tompl<ins, Ellsworth; Trump, J. Lloyd The Secondary School Principalship and the Challenge cif Change: Pub Date (681 Note-18p. EDRS Price MF -$0.25 HC -$1.00 Descriptors *Adminis trator Charac t eris tics , Administrator Role. Communication Skills, Educational Administration, *Educational Change, *Instructional Improvement. Leadership, *Principals, School Superintendents, *Secondary Schogis, Staff Role, Teacher Administrator Relationship, Teacher Role In his .the manager of educational change. the secondary school principal is responsible for determining programs and procedures, enlisting teacher aid in 'those determinationS, resolving staff resistance to change, identifying staff members as effeCtive change agents, and working with them to implement change. To produce significant ga.ths ir ). pupil learning, four basic changes in school operating procedures are essential..(1) The principal should give about three-fourths of his working.time to instructio0al improvement,' (2): leachers should have more free time to improve their teaching 1<ills,-(3).pupils should have more time for independent study. and (4) there must be better utIizaton of educational funds, facilities, supplies., and equipment. Suggestions to help:. the principal discharge his primary responsibility to improve instruction in.Clude freeing him from other responsibilities by enlarging his administrative, staff. increasing staff productivity through a. horizontal and relatively informal' type of or.ganilation, delegating decision-making and administrative responsibilities as. rnyth 'as possible, improving his own communication skills, and inaintaining a clear understanding of role§ and relatioriships among school system administrators. (4K) . _ .