Medical image classification using synergic deep learning

&NA; The classification of medical images is an essential task in computer‐aided diagnosis, medical image retrieval and mining. Although deep learning has shown proven advantages over traditional methods that rely on the handcrafted features, it remains challenging due to the significant intra‐class variation and inter‐class similarity caused by the diversity of imaging modalities and clinical pathologies. In this paper, we propose a synergic deep learning (SDL) model to address this issue by using multiple deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) simultaneously and enabling them to mutually learn from each other. Each pair of DCNNs has their learned image representation concatenated as the input of a synergic network, which has a fully connected structure that predicts whether the pair of input images belong to the same class. Thus, if one DCNN makes a correct classification, a mistake made by the other DCNN leads to a synergic error that serves as an extra force to update the model. This model can be trained end‐to‐end under the supervision of classification errors from DCNNs and synergic errors from each pair of DCNNs. Our experimental results on the ImageCLEF‐2015, ImageCLEF‐2016, ISIC‐2016, and ISIC‐2017 datasets indicate that the proposed SDL model achieves the state‐of‐the‐art performance in these medical image classification tasks.

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