Optimization of diesel, methyl tallowate and ethanol blend for reducing emissions from diesel engine

Abstract A Cummins N14-410 engine was operated on different fuels produced by blending methyl tallowate and ethanol with No. 2 diesel fuel. Four fuel blends, namely: neat No. 2 diesel fuel; and 80:13:7, 70:19·5:10·5 and 60:26:14 (% v/v) blends of diesel:methyl tallowate:ethanol, were prepared and tested for engine performance and emission analyses. Engine performance and emission data were used to optimize the blend of diesel fuel:methyl tallowate:ethanol for reducing engine emissions. The emissions were found to be minimum with a 80:13:7 blend of diesel:methyl tallowate:ethanol, without a significant drop in engine power output.