Robust Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple RGB-D Cameras with Body Tracking and Feature Matching

RGB-D cameras have been commercialized, and many applications using them have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a robust registration method of multiple RGB-D cameras. We use a human body tracking system provided by Azure Kinect SDK to estimate a coarse global registration between cameras. As this coarse global registration has some error, we refine it using feature matching. However, the matched feature pairs include mismatches, hindering good performance. Therefore, we propose a registration refinement procedure that removes these mismatches and uses the global registration. In an experiment, the ratio of inliers among the matched features is greater than 95% for all tested feature matchers. Thus, we experimentally confirm that mismatches can be eliminated via the proposed method even in difficult situations and that a more precise global registration of RGB-D cameras can be obtained.

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