우리나라 건설생산조직의 실태에 관한 연구(1) - 수도권지역의 아파트를 중심으로 ( An inquiry on the relationship between domestic construction organization )
This inquiry aims to grasp the actual condition of inter-relationship between general contractor and
sub-contractor built in the form of vertical dividion of labor. Research reveals the most of the
apartment construction works in the National Capital region are carried out by civilian ordering. Its
subcontract is undertaken to an interrelated contractor registered to the general contractor. In
forming inter-relationship between general contractor and subcontractor, the size of both sides is
deeply concerned. Though intial sub-contract is given to one subcontractor, the field work is
divided into several parts according to the types of the work and each entails another subcontract.
Payment system at each steps identify 3 types of sub-contract. Once inter-related sub-contractor
registerates to a general contractor, it lasts more than 8 years. Except for the fied workers, most
employees of sub-contractor have more than 15 year career. They would tie to a direct manager for
about 10 years.