Dissociating estimation from comparison and response eliminates parietal involvement in sequential numerosity perception

It has been widely debated whether the parietal cortex stores an abstract representation of numerosity that is activated for Arabic digits as well as for non-symbolic stimuli in a sensory modality independent fashion. Some studies suggest that numerical information in time-invariant (simultaneous) symbolic and non-symbolic visual stimuli is represented in the parietal cortex. In humans, whether the same representation is activated for time-variant (sequential) stimuli and for stimuli coming from different modalities has not been determined. To investigate this idea, we measured the brain activation of healthy adults performing estimation and/or comparison of sequential visual (series of dots) and auditory (series of beeps) numerosities. Our experimental design allowed us to separate numerosity estimation from comparison and response related factors. The BOLD response in the parietal cortex increased only when participants were engaged in the comparison of two consecutive numerosities that required a response. Using multivariate pattern analysis we trained a classifier to decode numerosity in various regions of interest (ROI). We failed to find any parietal ROI where the classifier could decode numerosities during the estimation phase. Rather, when participants were not engaged in comparison we were able to decode numerosity in an auditory cortex ROI for auditory stimuli and in a visual cortex ROI for visual stimuli. On the other hand, during the response period the classifier successfully decoded numerosity information in a parietal ROI for both visual and auditory numerosities. These results were further confirmed by support vector regression. In sum, our study does not support the involvement of the parietal cortex during estimation of sequential numerosity in the absence of an active task with a response requirement.

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