Precision Machining for Thin Wall Spherical Shell Based on Magneto-Rheological Fluids Strengthening

Magnetorheological (MR) fluids can transform from fluid to solid and back to fluid rapidly in magnetic field. It is a novel intelligent phase transition material. In this study, MR fluids are filled inside a thin wall spherical shell as phase transition material to improve the workpiece stiffness. A fixture structure based on MR fluids for the thin wall spherical shell precision machining is designed. The fixture stiffness can be controlled and the MR fluids can be used many times. The MR fluid as strengthening material is developed and the amount of metal powder in MR fluids is 52% by volume and the performance of MR fluids is measured. Based on electromagnetic principle, a special magnetic field is designed and the magnetic field distributing is analyzed and optimized. The thin wall spherical shell using the designed fixture is turned in CK7820B lathe. The cutting experiment result shows that the fixture based on MR fluids can improve the workpiece machining precision.