И.Н.Ковалева, Ю.В.Кулаков, Л.И.Ковалева ИСТОРИЯ ПЕРКУССИИ ЛЕГКИХ ОТ СЛУХОВОГО ДО КОМПЬЮТЕРНОГО АНАЛИЗА СИГНАЛОВ Владивостокский государственный медицинский университет, Дальневосточный государственный университет

. SUMMARY I.N.Kovaleva, Yu.V.Kulakov, L.I.Kovaleva HISTORY OF PERCUSSION: FROM AUDITORY TO COMPUTERIZED SIGNAL ANALYSIS This paper aims to review Russian and for-eign works about lung percussion. Physical methods hav been the basis of diagnostics for two centuries. However interpretation of respiratory sound acoustics has been hindered by complex acoustics phenomena and difficulties in signal analysis. The boost of studies devoted to acoustics phenomena can be attributed to powerful com-puters, and analysis equipment which allow digi-tal sound analysis and complex signal treatment in real timeframe.