영국사전학의 전통과 최근 학습자사전의 혁신

This paper describes the main stages in the development of the history of English dictionaries. The earliest monolingual English dictionary, published in 1604, was a dictionary of "hard words", which provided a selection of words of foreign origin, as did all subsequent dictionaries in the 17th century. From the 18th century onwards dictionaries started to include the whole range of English vocabulary, but many dictionaries were intended to act as an authoritative source of proper usage. The second half of the 20th century witnessed a new era of dictionary making. Availability of language corpora enabled lexicographers to have systematic access to quantitatively and qualitatively unparalleled information about each word defined. The publication of a series of corpus-based learners' dictionaries introduced a reconceptualization of the dictionary with more malleable applications.