The New Zealand general election and electoral referendum of 1993. by Stephen Levine and Nigel S. Roberts

tag=1 data=The New Zealand general election and electoral referendum of 1993. by Stephen Levine and Nigel S. Roberts tag=2 data=Levine, Stephen%Roberts, Nigel S. tag=3 data=Political Science, tag=4 data=46 tag=5 data=1 tag=6 data=July 1994 tag=7 data=40-46. tag=8 data=ELECTIONS-NEW ZEALAND%REFERENDUMS tag=10 data=New Zealanders voted in 1993 in a political environment coloured by nationwide referendums focusing on Parliament and the electoral process. tag=11 data=1994/6/8 tag=12 data=94/0475 tag=13 data=CAB