When is a replication not a replication? Or how to spot a good genetic association study.

Published genetic association studies are becoming an epidemic. For example, whereas only 53 PubMed entries are found for the keywords “polymorphism” and “arthritis” in 1998, the number of entries is nearly 3-fold higher for 2004. With the recent completion of phase I of the haplotype map (HapMap) project and the continuing drop in genotyping costs, genome-wide association studies using up to 500,000 markers are becoming feasible. Soon we can expect a flourish of genetic association studies with positive findings to appear in the leading journals. Although the findings of these studies will be exciting at first glance, the vast amount of genes and polymorphisms tested can leave both readers and reviewers confused as to their interpretation. If already published studies serve as predictors of what is to come, a high percentage of the to-be-published genetic association studies may yield one-off results that will fail to be consistently replicated. In fact, according to recent metaanalyses, only 16–30% of initially reported significant associations have been consistently replicated (1,2). Encouragingly, we know some of the reasons for this inconsistency. First, the attitude of the modern gene hunter has not yet evolved to keep pace with the recent developments in genetic epidemiology, and the optimism is still largely based on findings for Mendelian disease (3). To combat this, useful guidelines that addressed this issue were produced nearly 2 years ago in Arthritis & Rheumatism (4) (see Table 1). Given the advances in technology and methodology, however, the current dilemma involves 3 questions: What do results actually mean? Can they be relied upon? And, most important, is it worth investing more funds to follow them up? A number of factors can explain the lack of confirmation of an initial positive finding. These include 1) overestimation of the genetic effect in the first report, 2) inconsistent coverage of genetic variation in the gene, 3) inherent genetic differences in the populations studied, and 4) differences in the clinical definition of phenotype.

[1]  M. Nevitt,et al.  Frizzled-related protein variants are risk factors for hip osteoarthritis. , 2006, Arthritis and rheumatism.

[2]  T. Spector,et al.  Association between a variation in LRCH1 and knee osteoarthritis: a genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism association study using DNA pooling. , 2006, Arthritis and rheumatism.

[3]  Kozo Nakamura,et al.  A functional single nucleotide polymorphism in the core promoter region of CALM1 is associated with hip osteoarthritis in Japanese. , 2005, Human molecular genetics.

[4]  J. Houwing-Duistermaat,et al.  Association of the Frizzled-related protein gene with symptomatic osteoarthritis at multiple sites. , 2005, Arthritis and rheumatism.

[5]  Yusuke Nakamura,et al.  An aspartic acid repeat polymorphism in asporin inhibits chondrogenesis and increases susceptibility to osteoarthritis , 2005, Nature Genetics.

[6]  Nicole Soranzo,et al.  A single-nucleotide polymorphism tagging set for human drug metabolism and transport , 2005, Nature Genetics.

[7]  P. Sham,et al.  The future of association studies: gene-based analysis and replication. , 2004, American journal of human genetics.

[8]  Timothy R. Rebbeck,et al.  Assessing the function of genetic variants in candidate gene association studies , 2004, Nature Reviews Genetics.

[9]  D. Pisetsky,et al.  Associations, populations, and the truth: recommendations for genetic association studies in Arthritis & Rheumatism. , 2004, Arthritis and rheumatism.

[10]  L. Southam,et al.  Functional variants within the secreted frizzled-related protein 3 gene are associated with hip osteoarthritis in females. , 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[11]  David B Allison,et al.  "Are we there yet?": Deciding when one has demonstrated specific genetic causation in complex diseases and quantitative traits. , 2003, American journal of human genetics.

[12]  John P A Ioannidis,et al.  Genetic associations: false or true? , 2003, Trends in molecular medicine.

[13]  E. Lander,et al.  Meta-analysis of genetic association studies supports a contribution of common variants to susceptibility to common disease , 2003, Nature Genetics.

[14]  D. Goldstein,et al.  The genetics of common diseases: 10 million times as hard. , 2003, Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology.