Diversity in the mechanisms of gene regulation by estrogen receptors.

The sequencing of the human genome has opened the way for using bioinformatics to identify sets of genes controlled by specific regulatory signals. Here, we review the unexpected diversity of DNA response elements mediating transcriptional regulation by estrogen receptors (ERs), which control the broad physiological effects of estrogens. Consensus palindromic estrogen response elements are found in only a few known estrogen target genes, whereas most responsive genes contain only low-affinity half palindromes, which may also control regulation by other nuclear receptors. ERs can also regulate gene expression in the absence of direct interaction with DNA, via protein-protein interactions with other transcription factors or by modulating the activity of upstream signaling components, thereby significantly expanding the repertoire of estrogen-responsive genes. These diverse mechanisms of action must be taken into account in screening for potential estrogen-responsive sequences in the genome or in regulatory regions of target genes identified by expression profiling.

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