Forward Kinematics 모델을 이용한 자동차 운전공간의 설계
This research suggested the mathematical model (forward kinematics method) to provide the reference points of driver space more easily and accurately in designing the package layout of vehicle interiors. For this purpose. the lengths of body segments of drivers and various joint angles occurred while driving were used. The length data between joints for the mathematical model were extracted from SAFEWORK?? as well as 95th percentile male and 5th percentile female body dimensions were utilized. In addition, the angles of body segments were applied on its diverse values within proper ranges in order to compare them each other. The mathematical model in this study was based on the concept of converting polar coordinate system to Cartesian coordinate system so that reference points of driver space were acquired in Cartesian coordinate system after using the segment lengths of drivers and the joint angles of driving postures as an input of polar coordinate system. It is expected that reference points of driver space obtained from this research are helpful to the study on package layout that is appropriate for physical characteristics of drivers.