A Practical Process Model for Clients in Service-Oriented Architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture(SOA) is an method to develop applications by developing and publishing reusable services which potentially be used in various applications, and discovering and composing right services dynamically. SOA adopts a paradigm of publish-discover-invoke, which is considerably different from object-oriented and component-based development(CBD) approaches. The service in SOA is different from function in procedural programming, object in object-oriented programming, and component in CBD, and its fundamental requirement is a high level of reusability and applicability. In SOA, service providers and service consumers are loosely coupled since the providers try to develop reusable services and the consumers try to locate right services without knowing much about the providers and their published services. Moreover, the process of searching, choosing and invoking right services is not presented in conventional programming paradigms. Therefore, conventional approaches to developing user interfaces and invoking the functionality on servers through JSP, and RMI in object-oriented programming cannot well be applicable to designing clients' programs in SOA. Therefore, there is a high demand for a practical and systematic process for developing clients' applications, and the such a process should be devised by considering key characteristics of services and SOA. However, little work on this area is known to date, and there has not a process for client side just except few guide lines for developing service client. In this paper, we propose a practical and systematic development process for developing clients' applications in SOA. Then, we define instructions for carrying out each activity in the process. To show the applicability of the proposed work, we show the result of applying our process in developing a services application for searching and booking hotels.