X-ray detector based on a bulk micromachined photodiode combined with a scintillating crystal

In this paper we report on the design, fabrication, assembly and testing of an x-ray detector based on a bulk micromachined photodiode (BMMPD) with a cavity filled with a scintillating crystal. The x-ray photons that reach the detector are first converted to visible light by the scintillating crystal. The visible light is then detected by the BMMPD, producing an electric current with a value proportional to the incident x-ray intensity. Tests were performed using two x-ray setups: an experimental setup and a professional setup. The first was powered with a maximum voltage of 35 kV, and a current ranging to 1 mA, and the second was powered with voltages from 40 to 60 kV and currents ranging from 10 to 55 mA.