Teil I: Stoffstromanalysen landwirtschaftlicher Produktionsverfahren : Kopplung der technischen Systeme mit agrarökologischen Prozessen (Beitragsserien: Stoffstromanalysen Landwirtschaftlich-Industrieller Produktlinien)
When discussing strategies for realising an environmental friendly agricultural production, there are methods for quantifying environmental effects which do not originate in agricultural contexts. For instance, the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment is mainly developed from analyses of industrial production lines and products.Substance flow analyses in agriculture contain a complete analysis of agriculturally caused substance and energy flows, to which certain environmental effects are assigned, and also an assessment of these effects. For the provision of production means, balancing agricultural production procedures includes the extraction of energy sources and mineral resources from their reservoirs. The growth phase of the crops regarded (cereals, sugar beet, rape) is described depending on the nutrients nitrogen, phophor, potassium and calcium. The nitrogen flux within the system plant-soil-atmosphere is recorded referring to its temporal dynamic.In the framework of this study, selected environmental effects of agricultural production procedures of winter wheat are calculated regarding different conditions of locations and are supplemented by declining scenario simulations.Essential features of the structure of the substance flow net, which is implemented for the calculation and which can be used completely or as for single modules for further studies, are explained.Basing on selected categories of effectiveness, ecological optimisation potentials of varying agricultural provision of production means and procedures are estimated within the whole context of provision. Thereby, the effects of a reduced employment of fertilisers, of a change as for the kind of fertiliser and of the region of origin of the N-fertiliser, as well as variations concerning mechanical work in the fields are outlined for the cultivation of winter wheat.