The Acceptance of Braille Self-Learning Device

The blind and visually impaired individuals are the citizens that exists in any society. Their blindness and visual impairment prevent them from using computers, operating digital devices, learning educational software, and restricting them from gaining certain knowledges. One of the most proven techniques for people with visual impairments to gain knowledge is to become proficient in Braille. Braille is represented by six dots arranged in a 3x2 matrix and can be read receptively only by the sense of touch. The common way of learning Braille is one-to-one technique between students and teachers. They use bulky devices which is inconvenient, not portable and costly.  In fact, learning Braille always requires teachers to be present. People with visual impairments need special tools or tutorials to master the Braille language. This research introduces Braille Fingers Puller (BFP) self-learning device which is autonomous, low-cost, user-friendly, and portable with self-learn and self-test functions. Prior to the current device development, a Braille Finger Puller acceptance model is proposed based on seven factors that influence the BFP behavioral pattern which are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, performance, satisfaction, emotion, attitude, and comfort. The Braille Fingers Puller is tested with the blind association and finding shows that all factors except comfort factor have high score toward the intention to use BFP. Further improvement of the self-learning device is suggested in order to make it more comfortable for the visually impaired person to use.