하부틈새 크기에 따른 도어의 음향감쇠계수 분석
The Sound reduction indices(SRIs) of interior door with 13 different size apertures are measured in acoustic chamber. Also, as a theoretical approach, the SRIs are estimated using Gomperts' theory. In this study, the aperture of interior door is focused on the lower part of door leaf which is well known as a main cause to deteriorate the sound insulation performance of door. The results show that the SRI of door strongly depends on the aperture width and the dip in the measured sound reduction index curve by the resonance effect within aperture is observed at high-frequency. On the whole, the values calculated by theory are in good agreement with the measured values including the position of resonance dip. The average difference between the measured and the calculated values is 0.9 dB for 13 doors with different size aperture in terms of the weighted SRI.