The Concept of Ecosystem Services : Integrating the concept of ecosystem services on the environmental impact assessment of the Bunge Quarry

With the growing awareness and urgency of sustainable business behavior, conducting environmental impact assessments is an important tool for companies to evaluate their impacts. However, the assessment tool has received critique over the last years, and seems not to accomplish its goal to assure a sustainable development and use of the environment. In this thesis, the possibility of integrating the concept of ecosystem services in an environmental impact assessment is investigated. The aim of this study was to create a theoretical framework that facilitates the decision making process of impact assessments with the dimension of ecosystem services. This research is based on an empirical analysis surrounding the environmental assessment of the Bunge Area on Gotland, Sweden by the Finnish mining company Nordkalk AB, together with the legal decision making process that derived from it. The theoretical framework was tested upon applicability, and resulted into providing information concerning the integration of ecosystem services on the environmental impact assessment.