A Stochastic Model of TCP Reno Congestion Avoidence and Control

The steady state performance of a bulk transfer TCP flow (i.e. a flow with a large amount of data to send, such as FTP transfers) may be characterized by three quantities. The first is the {\em send rate}, which is the amount of data sent by the sender in unit time. The second is the $throughput$, which is the amount of data received by the receiver in unit time. Note that the throughput will always be less than or equal to the send rate due to losses. Finally, the number of non-duplicate packets received by the receiver in unit time give us the $goodput$ of the connection. The goodput is always less than or equal to the throughput, since the receiver may receiver two copies of the same packet due to retransmissions by the sender. In [1] we presented a simple model for predicting the steady state send rate of a bulk transfer TCP flow as a function of loss rate and round trip time. In this paper, we extend that work in two ways. First, we analyze the performance of bulk transfer TCP flows using more precise, stochastic analysis. We show that the predictions of the approximate model in [1] closely match the predictions of the more precise model, thus validating the approximate model. Second, we build upon the analysis in [1] to provide both an approximate formula as well as a more accurate stochastic model for the steady state throughput of a bulk transfer TCP flow. References: [1] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, D. Towsley and J. Kurose. Modeling TCP Throughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation. In Proccedings of SIGCOMM''98