Mobile evaluation of human energy balance and weight control: Potential for future developments

Quantification of energy storage is essential in understanding energy balance and can be determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Here, we have developed a smartphone form factor multi-frequency BIA device that incorporates an analog front end for body composition measurements. The device was compared against a reference gel-electrode based BIA system in a clinical trial of 311 subjects for predicting BIA equations by calibrating the impedance index to body composition data from dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Strong correlations were observed between DXA-based lean soft tissue and the impedance index generated at 50 KHz (R2=0.87; p<;0.001). A similar trend was also evident at higher frequencies which matched results from the reference gel-electrode BIA device. The findings support the role of our consumer-oriented mobile Health initiative for multi-frequency BIA assessments to aid weight management.