Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart

List of Figures and Tables v Foreword ix Preface xi The Authors xvii PART ONE: A FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVING PERFORMANCE 1 1 Viewing Organizations as Systems 3 2 Three Levels of Performance: Organization, Process, and Job/Performer 12 PART TWO: EXPLORING THE THREE LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE 27 3 The Organization Level of Performance 29 4 The Process Level of Performance 42 5 The Job/Performer Level of Performance 62 PART THREE: APPLYING THE THREE LEVELS OF PERFORMANCE 75 6 Linking Performance to Strategy 77 7 Moving from Annual Programs to Sustained Performance Improvement 86 8 Diagnosing and Improving Performance: A Case Study 97 9 Project Definition: The Ten Essential Steps 110 10 Process Analysis and Design: The Ten Essential Steps 140 11 Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins of Process Improvement 174 12 Measuring Performance and Designing a Performance Management System 182 13 Managing Processes and Organizations as Systems 211 14 Designing an Organization Structure That Works 226 15 Creating a Performance-Based Human Resource Development Function 244 16 Developing an Action Plan for Performance Improvement 259 Index 264 Instructor s Guide 270