The k-limited packing number, $L_k(G)$, of a graph $G$, introduced by Gallant, Gunther, Hartnell, and Rall, is the maximum cardinality of a set $X$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $G$ has at most $k$ elements of $X$ in its closed neighbourhood. The main aim in this paper is to prove the best-possible result that if $G$ is a cubic graph, then $L_2(G) \geq |V (G)|/3$, improving the previous lower bound given by Gallant, \emph{et al.}
In addition, we construct an infinite family of graphs to show that lower bounds given by Gagarin and Zverovich are asymptotically best-possible, up to a constant factor, when $k$ is fixed and $\Delta(G)$ tends to infinity. For $\Delta(G)$ tending to infinity and $k$ tending to infinity sufficiently quickly, we give an asymptotically best-possible lower bound for $L_k(G)$, improving previous bounds.
Andrei V. Gagarin,et al.
The probabilistic approach to limited packings in graphs
Discret. Appl. Math..
Béla Bollobás,et al.
Random Graphs, Second Edition
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics.
J. Moon,et al.
Relations between packing and covering numbers of a tree
Alexandr V. Kostochka,et al.
A new bound on the domination number of connected cubic graphs
Michael A. Henning,et al.
On Double Domination in Graphs
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory.
Douglas F. Rall,et al.
Limited packings in graphs
Discret. Appl. Math..