Reconstruction of the State Road D8–Comparison of the Variant Solutions

Reconstruction of the state road D8, section Plano – Solin, has been proposed within the "Program of construction and maintenance of Croatian public roads". This road has been classified as a main road for fast-moving traffic. However, in the study "Physical planning with traffic analysis of state road D8, section Solin – Plano" it was proposed that the subject 9 km long four-lane road with a central reserve should be provided with eight traffic signal controlled at-grade intersections. As state roads by their basic function and under the Croatian Public road act are defined as "public roads, which connect the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia and provide connections with the network of main European roads", our opinion is that they should be connected only to county roads and main urban roads. In view of the existing traffic flows such connections should be made as grade-separated facilities. In this paper, besides comparison of resulting performance measures such as average delay and other, the cost-benefit analysis for the two variant solutions was performed.