REWARDS FOR CREATIVE INDUSTRIAL SCIENTISTS: Two Case Histories Given in This Issue Describe Effective Approaches

A STAFF-PREPARED ARTICLE, "More Than One Way Upward," (page 41) reports solid contributions to the perplexing question of how to advance the professional and economic status of scientists and engineers who prefer research to administration. Various companies which realize the essentiality of creative research to continued progress have now and then adopted plans designed to keep highly competent personnel in research. Although the article we recommend to management deals only with the specialized approaches of California Research and Esso Research and Engineering, the objectives of the two are identical. All approaches, of course, must be custom-built, but certain broad concepts can stimulate planning. Industry must meet the challenge of finding ways to attract and maintain, in research, the men and women who have the special qualifications to make significant breakthroughs in basic or applied research. We emphasize significant contributions. Whenever the statement is made that there is a shortage of scie...