A2MO and ETREOSys - Analyzing, Modeling and Validation of Enterprise Training Programs

Organizations and public authorities invest substantial sums in training, but rarely have data indicating the results of this investment. Because of the difficulties related to existing models, to the lack of valid instruments and workable models, only a few organizations evaluate their training project in depth. In this paper, we propose an approach of training project evaluation, based on Business Process Management (BPM). This approach consists in Analyzingthe needs, process Modelling, Monitoring the project progress and ensuring the expectation of the objectives, Optimizingthe global and personal yield by a series of simulation (A2MO method). To facilitate the understanding and the use of A2MO, we develop a Business Process Management SystemnamedETREOSys (EnterpriseTRaining programEvaluation andOptimizationSystem). A2MO ensures the alignment between training activities and enterprise business objectives. It allows training project monitoring, calculating tangible and intangible benefits of training (without additional costs). It also allows making a training projects classification according to criteria bound to enterprise and employees, to optimize training activities in order to answer the enterprise objectives and employees needs.