BCVerifier: A Tool to Verify Hyperledger Fabric Ledgers

The blockchain technology has been popular not only in cryptoassets but also in various fields of enterprise systems, where smart contracts between multiple stakeholders play a significant role. Hyperledger Fabric is one of the leading open-source enterprise blockchain platforms, which employs a unique consensus algorithm comprising three phases: endorsement, ordering, and committing. In this paper, three potential issues in Hyperledger Fabric are addressed when it is applied to enterprise systems: local alteration of ledgers, short of endorsers faced especially with private data, and auditing requirements. To solve and mitigate the issues, a blockchain verification tool bcverifier is proposed. This paper presents six requirements for the tool, the basic design of the tool, and how the design satisfies the requirements. It also clarifies the properties which the tool verifies in the ledger: immutability, consensus, and consistency in Hyperledger Fabric ledgers.