Mismatch-Arbeitslosigkeit unter Geringqualifizierten (Mismatch-unemployment among the low-skilled)
"The study examines the reasons for the differences in the mismatch-unemployment between different qualification groups in western Germany. In particular possible causes for the high level of mismatch within the group of the low-skilled with a disproportionate increase in the 1980s and 1990s are analysed in more detail. As by definition formal qualification requirements can not constitute barriers to entry to the labour market for the group of the low-skilled, qualification- specific mismatch can be ruled out as a cause. In addition no convincing indications of measurement-related reasons for this development are found. Thus differences between the qualification groups with regard to regional mismatch, the registration rate or the fluctuation on the labour market can be rejected as possible causes for the high level of mismatch within the group of the low-skilled. In contrast, differences do exist between the qualification groups with regard to labour-market-relevant personal characteristics and particularly with regard to mismatch associated with wages. Social-qualification and wage-related factors thus constitute the most plausible explanations for the high level of mismatch and its development within the group of the low-skilled." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
[1] B. Christensen. Beveridge-Kurven und Motivations-Mismatch , 2001 .
[2] Stephen Machin,et al. Technology and Changes in Skill Structure: Evidence from an International Panel of Industries , 1996 .
[3] Klaus Schrader,et al. Globalisierung, Strukturwandel und Beschäftigung , 2000 .