Effective Machine to Machine Communications in Smart Grid Networks

The smart grid is generally characterized as the combination of communications-intensive IT applications with the electric power systems. Which is managed by transmission and distribution system operators (TDSOs) outfitting 20th century electric grids with 21st century telecommunications technology. The smart grid purpose is to create near-real-time control mechanisms that improve the quality of electricity delivery, reduce carbon emissions, manage distributed energy resources, provide automated demand response and reduce the cost of electricity to consumers. Smart grid requires a number of integrated yet distinct applications that require varying degrees of reliability, latency, availability, throughput and security. The wireless sensor network used in the proposed scheme is based on IEEE 802.15.4 link layer technology and the sensor nodes have the ability to sense the power consumption and sensor gateway node from each building communicate directly with the base station. The main parameters characterizing the data link performance have been assessed and analyzed through simulations carried out in the QualNet environment. The result obtained shows as energy conservation in machine to machine communication with considering different existing communication technology. The results obtained show as rapid-connect packet data, reliable network services and reduced overall infrastructure support requirements of the low latency critical data transmission in smart grid. Our consideration is implemented In QualNet environment.