국가기반시설의 상호의존도매트릭스 및 방재력을 고려한 광역정전에 대한 재난영향 분석
Critical Infrastructure (CI) needs individual unit management and interdependency-based management because of their importance.So each CI is exquisitely and systematically managed under the related laws and regulations in terms of individual unit. But it is defi-cient to manage CI on the basis of Interdependency. Although 「Disaster and Safety Management Fundamental Act」 requires that CIis designated and managed in the light of cascade effect, coordinated response and individual unit, CI is primarily evaluated and pro-tection plan is drawn-up by individual unit up to now. Thus this research suggested connectivity analysis methodology and drew upinterdependency matrix through overseas case study. Furthermore this research analyzed disaster consequence on the basis of CI inter-dependency with consideration for blackout case and found out that interdependency matrix is useful to analyze relation among CI.