Abstract Abstract M7C2, carbides prepared in various conditions have been observed by electron microscopy and diffraction. Examinations of the first-order Laue zone with crystals having the c axis parallel to the electron beam demonstrate that the unit cell describing the structure of these carbides is the orthorhombic cell proposed by Fruchart and Rouault. This cell can be considered as an ordered cell of an average hexagonal cell and can have three orientations at 120° from each other. It contains metal atom tetrahedra whose local environment in prismatic interstices containing carbon atoms is typical and is never destroyed, whatever the conditions of preparation may be. Thus, in primary carbides present in cast irons and steels, the state of crystallization is such that a long-range order of the environment is established : ortho-rhombic domains are separated by {1I00} twins and antiphase boundaries. In Fe7C3 carbides crystallized from amorphous iron-carbon alloys, the local environments are only short...
J. Morniroli,et al.
Etude microstructurale de carbures M7C3
E. Bauer-Grosse,et al.
Etude des défauts de structure dans le carbure defer métastable “Fe7C3” formé lors de la cristallisation d'alliages amorphes fer-carbone
G. Caër,et al.
Formation of Fe7C3 and Fe5C2 type metastable carbides during the crystallization of an amorphous Fe75C25 alloy
W. Dudziński,et al.
Stacking faults in chromium, iron and vanadium mixed carbides of the type M7C3
E. Stenhagen,et al.
The Crystal Structure of Ru7B3.