Academic software engineering: what is and what could be? Results of the first annual survey for international SE programs

According to data received from an international survey, almost 6800 students are enrolled in software engineering degree programs in 11 countries, as of January, 2001. A total of 94 academic programs in software engineering are in place at 60 universities with 350 full-time faculty and nearly 200 part-time faculty teaching hundreds of undergraduate and graduate courses in the discipline. Over 5500 people have obtained degrees in software engineering since 1979. The authors are conducting the first of an ongoing annual survey of international academic software engineering programs, as a joint ACM/IEEE-CS project. This status report covers: history, audience, initial survey, initial partial results available on the WWW, request for evaluation of WWW-site, request for additional questions for next version of survey, time-line for next version of the survey, "lessons learned," and some future directions. The annual report and survey results will be posted on a wide variety of Web pages. A more current report, based on the sabbatical of the first author, will be presented at the conference. The sabbatical involves the initial development of an "International Software Engineering University Consortium-ISEUC". A sample scenario for an employee in industry who becomes a student in ISEUC is given.