Viewpoint : Chemistry for a Sustainable Future

Environmental Science & Technology is published by the American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036 VIEWPOINT Viewpoint: Chemistry for a Sustainable Future Vicki H. Grassian, Gerald Meyer, Héctor Abruña, Geoffrey W. Coates, Luke Ekem Achenie, Tom Allison, Bruce Brunschwig, John Ferry, Miguel Garcia-Garibay, Jorge Gardea-Torresdey, Clare P. Grey, James Hutchison, Chao-Jun Li, Charles Liotta, Arthur Raguskas, Shelley Minteer, Karl Mueller, Jeffrey Roberts, Omowunmi Sadik, Russell Schmehl, William Schneider, Annabella Selloni, Peter Stair, Jon Stewart, David Thorn, Julian Tyson, Bettina Voelker, J. Michael White, and Frankie Wood-Black Environ. Sci. Technol., 41 (14), 4840-4846• DOI: 10.1021/es0725798 • Publication Date (Web): 15 July 2007 Downloaded from on February 11, 2009