CONCHAS: An arbitary Lagrangian-Eulerian computer code for multicomponent chemically reactive fluid flow at all speeds

The CONCHAS computer code, which solves the equations of transient multicomponent chemically reactive fluid dynamics in two space dimensions is described. CONCHAS is a time-marching finite-difference code that utilizes a partially implicit numerical scheme and a generalized mesh. Both planar and axisymmetric problems may be solved. Spatial differences are formed with respect to a two-dimensional mesh whose cells are arbitrary quadrilaterals. The location of the cell corners, or vertices, may be arbitrarily specified as functions of time, thereby allowing a Lagrangian, Eulerian, or mixed description. This capability is particularly useful for representing curved and or moving boundary surfaces. Arbitrary numbers of species and chemical reactions are allowed. Discussions are given of the governing equations, the numerical scheme, and the code structure. A FORTRAN listing of the code is also provided.