Electromagnetic Field, Health and Environment:Proceedings of EHE'07

"Electromagnetic Field, Health and Environment" mirrors the image of the EHE'07 conference which attracted people investigating the phenomenon of interaction of electromagnetic field and biological objects. This book tries to enlighten the problem with the use of scientifically founded facts kept within methodological discipline. The particular targets of the book can be briefly summarized as reviewing, presenting and discussing innovations in computer modeling, measurement and simulation of bioelectromagnetic phenomena, analyzing physical and biological aspects of bioelectromagnetic phenomena, and discussing environmental safety and policy issues as well as relevant international standards.The book is divided into five chapters of which the first three chapters deal with the electromagnetic field in combination with environment, health and biology respectively. The fourth chapter focuses on computer simulation in bioelectromagnetics, whereas the fifth chapter sees to the electromagnetic field in policy and standards. An additional three contributions are included: the first contribution shows the brief essay on Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in which the occasion of his birth 150 years ago is celebrated. The second summarizes the long-lasting research in magnetic stimulation and bioimaging and the third one considers some theoretical aspects of electromagnetic field.