Book reviews

Flora of New Zealand. Volume V. Grasses ‐Gramineae by E. Edgar and H. E. Connor. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand. 2000. lxxxii + 650 p. Hardback. ISBN 0–478–09331–4. Price NZ$55. Nordic Lichen Flora. Volume 1. Introductory parts, Calicioid lichens and fungi by T. Ahti, G. Carlin, P. M. Jorgensen, R. Moberg, U. Sschting, G. Thor, and L. Tibell. Bohuslan ‘5, Uddevalla, Sweden. 1999. Hardcover. 94 p + 82 plates and 81 maps. ISBN 91–972863–3‐8. Price: Sweden 230 kr, other Nordic countries 280 kr, Europe 350 kr, outside Europe 380 kr. Obtainable from: Svenska Botaniskas Foreningen, C/‐ Museum of Evolution, Botany Section, Norbyvagen 16, SE‐752 36 Uppsala, Sweden.