Bluetrees-scatternet formation to enable Bluetooth-based ad hoc networks

Bluetooth is an open specification for short-range wireless communication and networking, mainly intended to be a cable replacement between portable and/or fixed electronic devices. The specification also defines techniques for interconnecting large number of nodes in scatternets, thus enabling the establishment of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). While several solutions and commercial products have been introduced for one-hop Bluetooth communication, the problem of scatternet formation has not yet been dealt with. This problem concerns the assignment of the roles of master and slave to each node so that the resulting MANET is connected. We introduce two novel protocols for forming connected scatternets. In both cases, the resulting topology is termed a bluetree. In our bluetrees the number of roles each node can assume are limited to two or three (depending on the protocol), thus imposing low slave management overhead. The effectiveness of both protocols in forming MANETs is demonstrated through extensive simulations.