The exception handling is one of the key problems in the work flow management system, where establishing the formalized description of the work flow exception is the foundation for researching and analyzing it. The Petri-net, the predicate expression, etc., describe the work flows in a comparatively strict way, but the descriptions usually are excessively complex and have little intelligence due to the diversity of the modality of the exception handlings. In this paper, we apply the automaton theory to build up a work flow model, which is a uniform model for the exception handling of the work flow. In this model, the intelligence agencies such as Adj can be designed by applying the theories of AI to monitor the actual running status of the work flow, to gather the information of the work flow exceptions, to analyze and locate the exceptions, and to verify and execute the exception handling policy. This approach conveniently solves the uniform modeling problem of the work flow and its exception handlings, and provides a general theory framework for the work flow exception handling.
Johann Eder,et al.
The Workflow Activity Model WAMO
Dou Wan.
Exception Handling Oriented Workflow Modeling and Its Performance
Jian Tang,et al.
Mining exception instances to facilitate workflow exception handling
Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Advanced Systems for Advanced Applications.
Mark Klein,et al.
A Knowledge-based Approach to Handling Exceptions in Workflow Systems
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).
Wil M.P. van der Aalst.
Modelling and analysing workflow using a Petri-net based approach
Gustavo Alonso,et al.
Flexible exception handling in the OPERA process support system
Proceedings. 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Cat. No.98CB36183).