Albania and the Albanians
Part 1 Albania and the Albanians: Albania for begineers - territory and state, natural environment and resources Dimensions of Albanian national identity - ethnicity, language and oral tradition, national symbols, religion, the diaspora. Part 2 The legacy of Stalinism: the social inheritance - human rights, the demographic legacy, welfare provision, the position of women, housing and planning the economic legacy - changing circumstances, agriculture and food, transport and communications, international tourism environmental dilemmas - the environmental legacy, environmental problems, protection and conservation policies, post-communism priorities and problems. Part 3 Albania joins the new world disorder: responding to change - domestic change and upheaval, new outlooks the Yugoslav vortex - Kosovo disputed, change and upheaval in Yugoslavia, the international imbroglio. Part 4 Albania into the 21st century: economic restructuring - framework for restructuring, encouraging inward investment, providing the infrastructure sustaining the future - agriculture and food, mineral exploitation, sustainable tourism? Albania into the 21st century - past - change, present - transition, future - development?